Keith Wellman is going to launch Easy Sales Formula on Tuesday , 30th June 2009.
But What is Easy Sales Formula ? "what" it actually is. Great question.
It's a formula for creating Easy Sales Video's to sell your own products or affiliate products. It gives his absolute best secrets for selling using an easy format ANYONE can master... in fact, here's over $5,000,000 in proof...
It will also include pre-done templates, video software, and a few other cool things to make it as easy as possible for you to get your first Easy Sales Video out there making you a ton of money :)
Until then, check out the case studies and make sure you keep an eye out Sunday for a free video lesson that breaks down Keith's formula...
You can ask why I am just giving his video skinning secrets away... they keep telling
me they've never seen anything so valuable just given away...
Here's Keith's answer...
"First, you'll flip when you see the video I have for you on Sunday...it's that good :-) But, I realize that if you see how powerful my Easy Sales Formula is for yourself then there will be no way, you would turn down my offer.
It'd be like turning down free money. There are ALREADY people who have created Video Skins and made money with them.
In just a few days!
If people can make money that quick with my free stuff...
What could you do with my paid stuff?
Make sure you optin because if you do, you'll get on the VIP list and I have a little surprise for those people come launch day.."
For more information about Easy sales formula nad your must have bonus pack for Easy Sales Formula please visit